My Newest Poem


Along My Path

Drizzle grey morning walk
eggs butter and fruit
mission from local venue

Singular morgue like figure
cement slab along my route
——no movement——none at all

Returning to my lair
edibles in favorite
reusable canvas sac

Stiff figure now emerging
sloth like moving
collecting previous night’s
saran wrapped marked down meal

I noticed his black trash can lined feet
shoe umbrellas I thought?
last nights heavens tears most likely

His soft speak of stolen shoes
previous night when in slumber
left his eyes fixed left him broken
no shoes ____no road miles coming anytime soon

His wafer like frame
canvas backpack worn , sleeping bag and pad
essentials for survival in view

I inquired the size of his missing
pedestrian transportation “12” say he
“I’ll be back in twenty” say I

Previous online purchase did not accommodate
my widening and arch expanding trotters
these new kicks now had new home

His weary smile said thank you
his drawn in face said tough times
his growling gut addressed close by

Good Trouble
      Necessary Trouble

Over six decades of fighting peacefully for what was right
taking a baton to the head was just the start
not knowing if this was he last day on earth
crossing that bridge facing a wall of ignorance and hate

Original member of the Big Six
beatings in several states… arrested to many to count
Civil Rights giant multiple arms locked multiple times
his goal was always to be good trouble… necessary trouble

Martin Luther King was a mentor and friend
he learned the message of equality for all of God’s children
always marching to the beat of the same drummer
the drummer of equality, love and peace

He never advocated violence as a means to a end
addressed his opponents with respect even though he disagreed
message always how this change was necessary
earned not given to and coming from the right place

Road Traveled

Tens of thousands of miles
Days.. weeks… months… years now passed
white mane white mustache white stubble now
butt soft as my custom made seat

thousands of blistering sunsets
chilly early morning sunrises afternoon weed naps
my body struggling eastern morning glare
empty stomach achy body start my day

silenced two lane highways wheat fields
sunny unshadowed mountain serpentine roads favorites
out of nowhere monsoon deluges .….slight smile no shelter
diners… cheap motels…tent areas with grass and showers

buzzards circling my arrival earth cracking desert zones
indigenous inhabitants not surviving the night
smelled some though never seen
hitch hikers sorry….no room

rainbow of people met most good at heart
some unhappy jealous desolate anti California chimes
befriended some shared meals finding common ground
back on the road next day

many stray dogs witnessed
angry they’ve been abandoned
sense their distrust
eventually come over to feed drink water

images I’ll never forget
my photos my Haiku my memories
regretful few conversations
human nature it’s worse it’s best

lone wolf my souls deep heartfelt mate
never worried about time route or destination
never worried about death
smiling at keys final turn no regrets

Moving On

Roaring into my seventies
.…or is it a meow
both voices seem to remind me
at any moment
I’m getting older

I can ride my motorcycle
among the hail, winds,
numbing cold sunrises, searing heat
crappy potholed roads
stray rocks ding my helmet
bugs polka dotting my wind shield
distracted dangerous drivers
riding with skill… without fear

Awakening aches and pains
forgetting what I forgot to remember
what am I doing today?
do I have an appointment?
I’ll check my school teacher desk calendar
where are my glasses?
did I take my pills today?

Bruising now an art form
healing quickly….don’t hold your breath
my beard hides my expanding chin
shirt always out.. never in

Childhood friends reminisce still bring laughs
behavior and actions risky
sometimes..… just stupid
some now consider inappropriate
no harm intended
we were having fun

Were we really so mean
to others and our friends?
nicknames were a badge of honor
good ones still hold up today

In today’s world of having to always be right… act right
fearful of past remarks consequences today
I feel less attached to our changing world
my alone time cherished
my neat whiskey by my side

Friendly Invasion

They come from soil in rainforests
desert scrubs temperate seasonal forests
not found in the seasonal grind of potato potatoes
bleeding beets sweet yammy yams bulbs of radish

hibernation like nostalgic Rip Van Winkle
depending on your location
some awake sooner than others
arising from their gritty moist beds

seeking branches in trees not there to lunch
crisp skeleton conversations obnoxiously loud ear cupping
tooth less chuckles….some of us smirking
mantra like mindset symphony for some in the zone

very intimate behavior emerges…..exhausting
larva planted…Brood X…job well done
a month of religious joy for some…. unlucky for others
baked goods to gourmet food to unfriendly mouths lying in wait

About that Night

Mid eighties, early thirties
location gig co-starring role
popular television cop buddy show
nowhere motel okay

Payday most made
had some lines, some on the floor
excited but not really
stop chasing the dream soon after

No memory of the trist
her name, time, location
was the moon full?
Midwest meets Hollywood

Single life for over twenty five years
no time for commitments
career driven
lots of time not dating nor cared

No background checks
drivers license exchange… not
banal chitchats limited
pheromones maxed out

Drinking perhaps
not to excess
where the hell and when
did this happen?

Awkward back seat
your room or mine
standing up against a wall
horizontal position A?

Heard it was a sprint
not a marathon
no phone number written on napkin
her name opaque at best

DNA kits private investigator
family tree assembled charts printed out
results in…. I am your father
decades over three…..neither of us knew

You suspected…wanted answers
your mom…. maybe embarrassed…. not speaking
man who raised you for five years
probably knew

He was doing his best considering
…….time went by
still no answers…..more time went by
questions still unanswered

Two grandchildren now I have
man child Ryker at eleven
chalk drawing sidewalk performance art
sweet smile little sister Maya just seven

You served in Iraq-jar head marine 05-06’
various gigs later pipeline Alaska, lumber mill, construction
well known in state now
pizza man Sfumato Neapolitan style

Notified by my big brother
via text playing senior league hardball
Santa Barbara field
fifty years removed seeing live pitching.. nucking futs

Prank thought I
when bro said I was a father and grandfather
“What? Shit. Really? Soft smile wondering who
pushing seventy I’m now a dad!!! Really?

Holidays now conflicted
where to go who to see
finding out age appropriate gifts
Hey dad, “Can you watch the kids today”?

Portland Oregon to Alton Iowa
my two wheel companion takes me there
four days and a half big rides
camping…. Motels…. calming anxious mindset

Side by side picture doesn’t lie
you are my son science are facts
That Night now reality
so proud so thankful

Cupid the Conqueror

Single shot loaded
your amorous bowed weapon
one chiseled stone
launched from leap of faith
heat sinking arrowhead coming my way

Two cosmic souls under the tree
it struck just me
residing from Mars
James Dean in his Porsche
one from Venus
umbrellaed Mary Poppins
one uses honey
less sweetener drives me

I’m the box of chocolates
nuts inside unknown
ride you won’t on my
two wheel time machine
hugging me as I race down
carbon foot printed highway
new adventures I seek

You are the glue that lets me ride free
you are the glue that lets me be me
you are the glue that binds my heart
you are the glue
no one can pull us apart

Half servings left in the fridge
hungry I find myself
empty roll in the loo
doggie bags whereabouts unknown
my space no longer mine
Animal Farm bedroom
coming back Beagle next time

Forty-five years single no regrets my actions
running with the bulls in Pamplona ‘72
streaking community college
last year doing drugs ’76
now in my sixties….just high on life

Single-shot victim I am
well done Cupid……
………Cupid….. well done

I Have a Dream

I dream a world
nor longer red or blue
but the purple hue of hope
the rainbow masses on a short rope

The 6th of January was a day of gloom and doom
far removed from the first step on the moon
angry Americans defiant and confused
our democracy abused

Patriots killing their own
say they love our country
spewing lies and misinformation
destroying the way we became a nation

Our dreams of being free a vailed nice
freedom comes with a price

The Canvas

Decades pass along fragile eggshell canvas of life
our storied cratered pallet we broadly stroke with erratic
thickness of chromatic hues that paint our saudade tales
along steep slopes, stark dry desert valleys and rolling poppied orange hills
emotional journeys recorded on stretched linen wooden frame
expressed with love, fear, anger or guilt

Runny pastel borderless watercolors choosing obscure meetings of forgettable acquaintances
wheeled ameba rim of oil colors define affairs of desired flesh and tugging heart
some colors may look lifeless.. murky… moss less rural pond
others frenzied shouts as we take one step backwards from its intensity
we cherish our lifetime friends and diverse family members

Does our faith remain constant expanding over time?
or lose commitment when tragedy bangs on our worn wooded front door?
self absorbed in what we cannot control….. the results like accidental mixed colors
some familiar.. some in question…..precious lost time in the abyss

Ahh…….and what about our narcissistic period of full length mirror images
our Adonis candy shopping in Macy’s windows frame
confidence soaring we might feel like Vlad the Impaler
nothing can stop our conquests…….except ourselves

Precious life giving soil varietal offerings…..four legged grazing groups
cupboard of sodium canned or boxed comforting tastes…..just in case
slithering trek ascending path to Maslow’s elusive single eye peak
its not about you reaching that arduous apex moment
judgement not allowed….. nor self promotion…few have been there

Our canvas may have storied horrific accidents……some fact some fiction
lonely nighttime two lane highways…..four lane byways rush hour assassins
deep red reflective octagonal stop sign intersections
swinging solo remote wind blown
amber yellow light flashing……preceded with caution
……..consequences can be fatal

We cannot erase the rainbow spectrum on the eggshell
conscious minds and memories won’t let us off the frame
divergent journeys as time meanders along
among shades of gray clouds, thunder, cueball full moons, celestial don’t blink shooting stars
blistering heat, soft rains kissing our face and welcoming blue skies.

Final stroke undetermined
color hidden in the mist of life
last dab on the pallet
last stroke on the eggshell canvas…….unexpected and unknown

Remove Dust
        Remove Dirt

Christian hearts spewing non faith fallacious prose
hiding behind their leather bound books
different versions different interpretations
reciting voracious verse bombastic psalms

Some act as if there wearing a simple seamless
no loop wool robe walking on water
with their Tanakhi sandals
wooden knotted simple walking stick

Holding signs of the unborn calling others murders
supporting false witness
wanting to stone to death those who differ

Did God see such hatred in those
who didn’t believe his prophecy?
Did he preach your demise if you didn’t follow?
Were his words of distance pointing you to purgatory?

Whatever your faith is
whatever your leather bound book
inspires you to believe
hold up the mirror to see your true self

Remove the dust and dirt from your hearts
letting your true faith remove darkness
from your souls and embrace those of different beliefs
helping heal our tribal world

All Souls Universe

The galaxies are far away
light years millions best not in our lifetime
some nights we feel we can touch them
their blistering brightness brightens the night
desolate deserts majestic mountains stillness bring close to our eyes

traveling through other galaxies
neighbors of gas.. matter
cosmic energy… sun our brightest star

Bit players free hydrogen and helium
blacks holes… dwarf planets
solo vacationing pet rocks challenging earth…
rambling…twisting along..most crashing and burning in unmarked parking lots

Dusty lanes circling their stars and rings
Van Gough strokes eclectic
sparkle.. twinkle.. wink at us randomly.. shooting stars ….don’t blink their gone
romping gravitational pull constant
beckoning us to join them

Milky Way two hundred billion stars
Chapeau Sombrero…Hoag’s Object
Black Eye sleeping beauty she’s called
distant neighbors embrace their skies waiting our arrival
welcoming us to our join their home

Passing on Earth at times very tragic egregious famous hall of famers
black holes for the demonic infamous players
empathy for the non descript…the unnamed..the unborn
hoping for another chance of life
cusping centurions spectrum on hold..waiting for their moment

Cremation… ashes… special boxes… plastic bags in vases
wooden boxes simply tucked in by simple wooden hardware shovel dirt seal
headstones.. flowers.. flags.. wreaths on Sunday visits

all souls universe
resting among the cosmos
massive monolith no script
our final home


Your muscular sleek black body lines
fashion designers would love engineers admire
you exude power and agile touch
acceleration Cheshire smile and ahhh head nodding finish

I feel your power between my legs mounting you
your deep humming moaning when I turn you on
your rounded stiff shoulders unforgiving I clutch your hands firmly
playing footsie with your cold like steel toes

I tease your gut with measured revving
tickle your classic black leathered covered bottom with my own hemp cozy fit
our hook up is a symbiotic oozing dripping amorous event
many others envy from near and afar

Sunrise crisp air daybreaks to stunning sunsets unscheduled roadside naps
together we ride the highways and byways
windstorms heatwaves hills and graveled roads
we are the perfect puzzle …missing pieces none

Requiem for a Queen

Cancer has no friends
no one to stop the armies
destruction countless numbers
endless grains of sand
among bubbles of tar
on the beach
that lap nature’s beauty

nostrils oceans breeze delight
nothing is more serene
sunset glory we all love

Margaret the warrior queen
let cancer know
going the distance
weakened opponent
she was not

The battle was to begin
three years passing
the war fought hard
rallies from within
her three sons three daughters
grand children plenty
loving husband John
dutifully nearby her side

Brains and other organs
supporters of human life
24/7 human spirit tested
repeatedly attacking
day and night
rain or shine
cloudless skies
gentle breezes slide

over your thick silver mane
quiet hour’s solitude
your thoughts your own

Recovery constant
chemo not an option
time goes by
tests, more tests
drugs more drugs
many hugs
those who knew Margaret
myself the honor I had
were blessed by her kindness
her candor her caring

Soul of unconditional love
the earth has lost
to the enemy
within us all

Bless you Margaret
lost war to heartless soldiers
odds against you
all of us knew

Time stopped
last breath only you knew
waves leave crooked trail
among infinite sands

final sunset glory
view from your windows
blackened now
peacefully rest mom
battle won
we all loved you
your peace has come

Paradise Lost

People driving in melting cars
fleeing to survive
boxed in by solid searing heat
no fight just flight

Wall of flames ten stories high
searing tidal wave of death blankets the skies
suffocates everything in its path
eight hundred yards per minute winds its engine
cremating those unable to flee mostly elderly
their fury companions by their side bones found
their screams fallen only on their ears

Town center cinders hidden memories
Bakery, barber, banks smoldering ashes
family businesses whole town now gone
same zip code but no post office
hundreds missing double digit dead
funerals on hold pain deep in the abyss

families memories images flashing
bring smiles and tears
among blackened embers
pain and despair unmeasured

California just a parched tinderbox
drought seems endless heartless
seven years to incubate
rain like Congress
nowhere to be found

Recovery will be slumbering… sloth like for those who stay…..
a new Paradise will emerge…on a brave new day

Kinder Kare ( Guest Teacher )

Co2 and H2o naturally powered
no solar panels required nor dinosaur fuel for renewable energy acts
forty to fifty pounds of huggable molecular matter approaches me

Fooled by their cute little pony tailed ribbons
Marvel hero gear missing ivory smiles
the pathology of resistance breaks down…I know my fate

In between nano moments of Nirvana
Petrie dish incubation medically undetermined in progress…. they stampede me
open wallless fortress space defenseless I am a general with no moat nor army

No lanes of organization
nor lane change signals speed limit no skipping in class posted
the herd warp speeds your cluttered desk “I need help”

Their Spaulding mini germ mitts open random coughing airborne attack
ambush my sacred space with hieroglyphic written work
“Can I have a Star now” requests head tilt

My white mane grandfather deep voice comforts them
retro motorcycle helmet motorcycle man greeting
my only tool to herd them into one area of attention

Squirming about the alphabet multi colored squared rug
like feral cats in a golden overgrown summer grassy field
abandoned mice filled rural farmhouse
no troops supporting me
plan A playbook “situation room” engaged

Briefly I am in command
master of the green powered masses momentarily met
the day is laboriously long though
my energy fields slowly waning at days end
heavyweight division twelve round scheduled event
exhaustion seeping in the eleventh “rope a dope ‘twelfth last round

My one hundred ninety five pound
social security senior discount body needs love
rainbow picture stick figure with hearts “We love you’ delivered 11th hour
like a birdie on the eightieth hole
I lost the war but survived the battle for another day